31/07/18 - Appel à communications - Architecture(s), nouvelles richesses pour l’Europe des régions

mardi 31 juillet 2018

Appel à communications dans le cadre de la rencontre européenne Architecture(s), nouvelles richesses pour l’Europe des régions organisée par Région Architecture Europe le 29 novembre 2018 à Nancy.

"The principle of the day would be to reveal and pool projects, programs or exemplary and / or innovative actions carried out in a regional framework and
bringing together the regional actors of architecture (culture, economy, profession, teaching, research). In order to be on a « bottom-up » logic, the principle chosen to build the content of the day would be that of a call for open communication widely and addressed to all European regions and their networks."


Les interventions sont organisées autour de 6 axes thématiques :

Strengthening synergies between teaching, research and architecture
professions to accelerate the rise towards excellence of a regional sector of
architecture and attractive construction at the service of the inhabitants and the
economic development of our region.

Development and promotion (take advantage of) the potential and wealth of
yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s daily architectures in order to make them
a vehicle for building regional attractiveness.

Structuring and valorization (structuring and valorising) of the economic sector
of architecture through the development of local industries and industries,
observing and accompanying changes in the professions.

Consolidation of the brand image and the competitiveness of the sector to
support the export of regional skills and know-how in architecture and

Implementation of concrete and localized architectural in response to major
transitions and societal challenges in metropolitan areas and rural areas.

Develop and share knowledge, federate the inhabitants around the
architecture and make them actors of their living environment.


Date limite de soumission : 31 juillet 2018

Adresse d’envoi : contact@regionarchitecture.eu | pauline.peillon@regionarchitecture.eu

Format : Texte de 4 000 signes maximum comprenant le nom du projet et sa description, le(s) nom(s) de(s) initiateur(s) du projet et leur présentation, l’axe thématique choisi et le type de contribution (intervention orale ou poster) et un document optionnel.

Voir en ligne : l’appel à contributions sur le site de Région Architecture